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Have you ever gone on a vacation and come back feeling worse than when you left? That’s unfortunate, but it happens. The stress of travel and planning meals, activities, etc can leave you tired out and worn down. In other words, they can create the exact symptoms you’re trying to alleviate on your precious time away.
We think you and your family deserve the vacation that isn’t just relaxing and enjoyable, but one that leaves you healthier and more refreshed at the end. That’s why we think you should consider coming to visit one of our Colorado dude ranches. It won’t just be an affordable and convenient option to escape the day-to-day drudge, but it might be the healthiest way to enjoy time off without all the stress added in daily trip and meal planning.
Feeling skeptical? Here are a few of the reasons visiting a ranch in the Rockies can be so good for your body and mind…
Traveling to Colorado Won’t Wear You Down
The more time you spend on a plane, the bigger the toll on your mental energy and immune system. Long flights with recycled air and packaged food aren’t going to help you get your vacation off to a good start (or make you feel great at the tail end of your trip, either). So, just making the shorter journey to Colorado could help you get off on a better foot. Denver International Airport caters to most major cities with direct flights. Which means less time on the plane and more time enjoying our scenic byways on your way to the ranch!
Wide Open Spaces are Mentally Calming
In recent years, psychologists have discovered that wide open spaces, and especially scenic areas with lots of greenery like pine trees, can help to dissipate stress and anxiety. As it happens, we have captivating views and thousands of miles of open terrain in Colorado. If you want to get back to nature and give your mind a break, you’ll have a hard time finding a better setting.
Horses are Known Friends and Healers
As we’ve noted in the past, horses are incredibly good at making people feel peaceful that a whole new field of equine therapy has sprung up in recent decades. Caring and working with these animals can help cure conditions as serious as PTSD and as common as daily anxiety. A horses’ heart-rate is a bit slower than a humans. Therefore just spending time on the ground brushing, petting, or watching them graze can help lower your own heart-rate and bring about a sense of calm. Imagine how effective this can be for helping with the work and school-related stress families bring with them on vacation.
Adventure and Relaxation are a Stress-Busting Combo
A lot of people think the “perfect vacation” is one where they sit by the pool all day and read. However, a little bit of adventure or lite exercise – in the form of horseback riding, hiking, and whitewater rafting – can be just as beneficial. In fact, bringing your heart rate up for a little while is a great way to burn a few calories and increase blood flow with out a trip to the gym and leaves you feeling rejuvinated. You want to vacation that mixes adventure and relaxation. A Colorado dude ranch can give you a bit of both.
You’ll Get Better Food and a Good Night’s Sleep
Few things are as important to our health as eating a good diet and getting plenty of rest. Our ranches serve home made farm-to-fork meals that are a far cry from the unhealthy buffets you would get on a cruise ship or mega resort. And it’s almost impossible to get a bad night’s sleep when you’ve fit in a day of thrilling activities and are sleeping in a quiet cabin or lodge with cozy beds and the window cracked open to breath in that fresh mountain air.
Put all of these advantages together, and you have the prescription for a vacation that benefits your brain, your body, and your spirit. If you’re ready to see what makes every one of our ranches so special – and find the vacation options perfect for you or your family – call our office today and let us help you plan the perfect getaway! 1-866-942-3472 or request a FREE BROCHURE & DVD.