It’s not exactly surprising that the people who come to us for Colorado ranch vacations describe it as an experience that can make you feel like you are coming to life. However, there is an unexpected one aspect of that notion we’ve heard again and again over the years: many men and women say that spending time on our ranches brings them “back down to earth.”
If you become used to feeling disconnected, stressed out, or simply worn down by your day-to-day commitments, that can be reason enough to come spend a week with us. To see why, here are a few important ways a Colorado dude ranch get away can help restore your sanity and vitality at the same time…
You Get a Chance to Go Gadget-Free
Stop and think about something for a moment: how often do you check your email and text messages each day? Are you reading this article on a phone or tablet right now? And what kind of effect do you think that habit is having on your stress level and attention span?
Many guests tell us they never realized how much they needed to get away from their gadgets until they have spent a few days focusing on the sun, the mountains, their loved ones, and their natural surroundings. The same goes for kids, who may especially benefit from putting their electronics away for a little while (even if they don’t realize it).
It has been known for centuries that humans and horses can enjoy a special bond. Being around them is so soothing that equine companions are often used to counteract the effects of PTSD and other stress or anxiety-related disorders.
If you’re looking for a way to feel calmer, happier, and more relaxed, there really isn’t any substitute for getting to know a horse. That’s probably why most of our guests leave with lots of memories and pictures, along with some new “best friends” they can’t wait to see again sometime soon.
You Can Put Your Body Back in Sync
An interesting thing happens when you visit a working Colorado ranch and break away from your normal routines of TV, Internet, and other distractions. Usually, you’ll find you become more physically active, more attuned to your surroundings, and feeling more balanced.
For that reason, some guests find that their sleep cycles return to a natural rhythm, and that they start waking up with more energy and enthusiasm. Many report that they feel more relaxed, and that things like digestion improve. If you’re looking for a way to put your body back in sync, “getting away from it all” really can be the best medicine.
The modern world is wonderful, but we can all use the occasional break from it, especially when we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Could a Colorado ranch vacation be just what you need to bring you and your family back down to earth?