One of the biggest benefits to visiting a guest ranch might be something you hadn’t even considered: being away from electronic devices for a while. Whether you recognize it or not, there’s something special about being “unplugged,” and present in the moment, when you’re getting away with your family.
Most of us don’t realize just how attached we are to computers, video games, and cell phone signals. It’s no surprise, then, that so many families who come to visit a guest ranch say it’s done wonders for their mind and perspective.
Think you couldn’t enjoy a week without the web? Here are just a few of the great benefits that come with being “live and unplugged” on a Colorado dude ranch…
Going Without Electronics Is Calming
Being connected is convenient, but it also introduces a little bit of anxiety into our lives. After all, the next problem from work or school is just a phone call or text away. Taking a few days to forget about all of that can be extraordinarily calming. It might be difficult at first, but once you’re busy horseback riding, enjoying the outdoors, and having a great time, we guarantee you won’t be missing your phone.
Kids Can Benefit From Getting Away from Electronic Games
Any parent or grandparent can tell you that video games have an addictive quality, and can stop young people from engaging with the world around them. If you struggle to get your kids to turn off their consoles, ignore their phones, and spend time with the family, a brand-new setting filled with exciting outdoor activities might be the perfect solution.
Without Distractions, Families Can Reconnect
One of the common complaints about the Internet age is that we are all “connected,” while at the same time seeming to very rarely connect with one another in a meaningful way. Spending time at a working ranch is a great way to break out of normal routines and encourage real, face-to-face communication. If you want to feel closer to your family, see if a few days surrounded by open country and clear skies doesn’t do the trick.
Going Without the Web Doesn’t Mean Roughing It
Colorado dude ranches can come in a lot of different shapes and sizes. Many could be considered more of a “luxury ranch resort” while others highlight their rustic western appeal. Giving up your web connection doesn’t have to mean going without the good food, fun, and amenities you enjoy. In fact, lots of our guest ranches actually do have Internet connections (however it can be spotty)… but we are guessing you won’t want to use them very often.
At most family vacation hotspots, continuous access to the Internet is treated as a big perk. When you visit a guest ranch in the Colorado backcountry, however, leaving your mobile connections and electronic addictions behind – for just a few days – can be one of the highlights of your trip.